[GtkAda] Patch for glib-xml.adb

Bobby D. Bryant bdbryant at mail.utexas.edu
Thu May 25 07:17:52 CEST 2000

Attached is a patch for glib-xml.adb.

The patch is a diff -u against the version that shipped with GtkAda
1.2.7.  (I installed from the ALT's RPM rather than from the tarball
available at the GtkAda site, but I assume the source file was

The patch addresses the following issues:

 o function Parse bombed off whenever it encountered a comment.

 o function Parse bombed off whenever it encountered <!DOCTYPE *>.

 o Procedure Print reduplicated the '/' for valueless tags of the form
"<tag/>", yielding "<tag//>".  (However, it already worked OK for
<tag></tag>, and also for <tag /> with a space.)

With this patch, tags beginning with '!' are simply ignored during the
parse.  This means that if you Parse a file and then immediately Print
the loaded structure, you will *not* see these ignored values in the
resulting printout.  (I recognize that this is not the optimal
behavior.  However, I did not want to introduce a supra-node into the
data structure simply to preserve comments and <!DOCTYPE *> declarations
preceding the actual structure to be parsed in.  That decision in turn
predicated ignoring any additional comments within the actual structure,
because I did not want to introduce the inconsistent behavior of
ignoring some comments and retaining others.  Whether optimal or not, I
hope you will at least agree that this is an improvement, since at least
it no longer bombs off when it encounters these elements!)

I have tested the patch on the material I have been working with, but
you should do some additional testing before incorporating it into your
library or any essential applications.

Bobby Bryant
Austin, Texas

-------------- next part --------------
--- /usr/lib/ada/adainclude/glib-xml.adb	Sun May 21 09:27:12 2000
+++ glib-xml.adb	Wed May 24 23:44:06 2000
@@ -241,59 +241,65 @@
       Index_Save := Index.all;
       Get_Buf (Buf, Index.all, '>', N.Tag);
-      --  Here we have to deal with the attributes of the form
-      --  <tag attrib='xyyzy'>
+      -- Check to see whether it is a comment, !DOCTYPE, or the like:
+      if (N.Tag(N.Tag.all'First) = '!') then
+         return Get_Node( Buf, Index );
+      else
-      Extract_Attrib (N.Tag, N.Attributes, Empty_Node);
+         --  Here we have to deal with the attributes of the form
+         --  <tag attrib='xyyzy'>
-      --  it is possible to have a child-less node that has the form
-      --  <tag /> or <tag attrib='xyyzy'/>
+         Extract_Attrib (N.Tag, N.Attributes, Empty_Node);
-      if Empty_Node then
-         N.Value := new String' ("");
-      else
-         if Buf (Index.all) = '<' then
-            if Buf (Index.all + 1) = '/' then
+         --  it is possible to have a child-less node that has the form
+         --  <tag /> or <tag attrib='xyyzy'/>
-               --  No value contained on this node
+         if Empty_Node then
+            N.Value := new String' ("");
+         else
+            if Buf (Index.all) = '<' then
+               if Buf (Index.all + 1) = '/' then
-               N.Value := new String' ("");
-               Index.all := Index.all + 1;
+                  --  No value contained on this node
-            else
+                  N.Value := new String' ("");
+                  Index.all := Index.all + 1;
-               --  Parse the children
+               else
-               N.Child := Get_Node (Buf, Index);
-               N.Child.Parent := N;
-               Last_Child := N.Child;
-               pragma Assert (Buf (Index.all) = '<');
-               while Buf (Index.all + 1) /= '/' loop
-                  Q := Last_Child;
-                  Q.Next := Get_Node (Buf, Index);
-                  Q.Next.Parent := N;
-                  Last_Child := Q.Next;
+                  --  Parse the children
+                  N.Child := Get_Node (Buf, Index);
+                  N.Child.Parent := N;
+                  Last_Child := N.Child;
                   pragma Assert (Buf (Index.all) = '<');
-               end loop;
-               Index.all := Index.all + 1;
-            end if;
+                  while Buf (Index.all + 1) /= '/' loop
+                     Q := Last_Child;
+                     Q.Next := Get_Node (Buf, Index);
+                     Q.Next.Parent := N;
+                     Last_Child := Q.Next;
+                     pragma Assert (Buf (Index.all) = '<');
+                  end loop;
-         else
+                  Index.all := Index.all + 1;
+               end if;
-            --  Get the value of this node
+            else
+               --  Get the value of this node
+               Get_Buf (Buf, Index.all, '<', N.Value);
+            end if;
-            Get_Buf (Buf, Index.all, '<', N.Value);
+            pragma Assert (Buf (Index.all) = '/');
+            Index.all := Index.all + 1;
+            Get_Buf (Buf, Index.all, '>', S);
+            pragma Assert (N.Tag.all = S.all);
          end if;
-         pragma Assert (Buf (Index.all) = '/');
-         Index.all := Index.all + 1;
-         Get_Buf (Buf, Index.all, '>', S);
-         pragma Assert (N.Tag.all = S.all);
+         return N;
       end if;
-      return N;
    end Get_Node;
@@ -335,7 +341,13 @@
          if N.Value.all = "" then
-            Put_Line ("/>");
+            -- The following handles the difference between what you got
+            -- when you parsed <tag/> vs. <tag />.
+            if ( N.Tag.all(N.Tag.all'last) = '/') then
+               Put_Line (">");
+            else
+               Put_Line ("/>");
+            end if;
             Put (">");
             Put (N.Value.all);

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