[gtkada] version available with Debian distribs

Samuel Tardieu sam at ada.eu.org
Tue May 16 12:02:35 CEST 2000

On 15/05, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

| Fortunately the debian maintainer of the GtkAda package is on this list,
| so he will probably be able to keep you informed.


GtkAda 1.2.17 has been uploaded last night on Debian sites. The Intel and
Sparc distributions should be on the mirrors already (or will today). You
have to use the "unstable" distribution of course, as the other one
(broken^H^H^H^H^H^Hfrozen, a.k.a Potato) will not change at this stage.

In the future, please direct your questions concerning Debian's GtkAda
version to gtkada at packages.debian.org or submit a bug (even if it is
just a wish) to the Debian Bug Tracking System (I may miss mails on this

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