[gtkada] GtkAda 1.2.8/1.3.8 and Glade 0.5.9

Ken Thomas kst at ecs.soton.ac.uk
Fri Jul 21 17:06:35 CEST 2000

I have found a work around by calling "gate-in" directly in a command window

  gate-in proj.glade > foo
  gnatchop foo src

This puts the Ada code into a subdirectory called src.

I created a toy application with no problems.


-----Original Message-----
From: gtkada-admin at gtkada.eu.org [mailto:gtkada-admin at gtkada.eu.org]On
Behalf Of Brian.Hanson at lawson.com
Sent: 21 July 2000 14:49
To: gtkada at gtkada.eu.org
Subject: Re: [gtkada] GtkAda 1.2.8/1.3.8 and Glade 0.5.9

I spent several hours on Wednesday night trying to get this to work.  The
problem is that the "dirname"
command provided by the gtkada distribution does not work causing the
paths below to be used
instead of the full paths that were intended.  You can replace the dirname
with shell ${filename%\\*} syntax
to get by that but you will probably run into problems later.

Brian Hanson

Re: Glade 0.5.9 (Win NT)

I am having problems with generating source code. The following errors
message is produced.

c:\GtkAda-1.3.8\bin\mkdir: cannot make directory `.gate/hello/tmp': No such
 or directory
C:/GtkAda-1.3.8/bin/gate.sh: permission denied: .gate/hello/tmp/gate.ada

Is the solution simple?

Ken Thomas

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