[gtkada] Recommendation for Which Widgets To Use

Robert B. Love rlove at neosoft.com
Thu Aug 31 05:02:09 CEST 2000

I want to have a rectangular array of numbers and or text strings
displayed in non-editable fields.  I also want to be able
to change some visual property, most likely the background color,
when the value is out of limits.

I see three possibilities. Two depend on Gtk.Table and one on
Gtk.Extra.Sheet.  The combinations I know of are:

1) Gtk.Table and Gtk.GEntry.
2) Gtk.Table and Gtk.Text.
3) Gtk.Extra.Sheet.

Combination 1 seems the simplest but I don't see a way to change
the background color.  Combination 2 seems like overkill since
I don't need multiline editing and don't want scroll bars.  Combination
3 probably has all the features I want but this also seems like

I've prototyped Combination 1 and get everything I want except changing
the background color.  Have I missed some simple technique?

Are there other combinations of widgets I should consider?

What would experienced users suggest for this simple task?

All advice is appreciated.
 Bob Love
 rlove at neosoft.com

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