[gtkada] How do I link?

Chris Sparks mrada at catalina-inter.net
Wed Aug 23 15:40:46 CEST 2000

Hi Marcos,

> I am developing some tools platform independant for linux and windoze and I
> dont have any problem to compile and link.

Compiling is easy, however, the linking process doesn't seem to find the "Gtk"
archive? files.  or is that DLL? files under Windoze.

> I am using GNAT3.12 and Emacs under WINNT. All I have done is to copy all

I am using GNAT3.12 and Adagide under Windoze 2000.

> *.ad* .ali and .o files of gtkada libs to D:\usr\lib\gtkada-1.2.8\ for version
> control
> purposes but you could do it usign the gtkada installation directory.

This shouldn't be necessary since we should be able to use -I... or -Largs ...

> All I have to write in my emacs config menu or at command line is:
> d:\myprogram\gnatmake  myprogram -ID:\usr\lib\gtkada-1.2.8 -ID:\usr\lib\mylibs

This is what I effectively am doing.

> and it works almost as fine as in linux (well, as fine as it cant work under
> M$).

How does it find the Gtk stuff?

Chris Sparks

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