[gtkada] Problems with tree widget
emartel at cic.teleco.ulpgc.es
emartel at cic.teleco.ulpgc.es
Fri Aug 11 11:10:52 CEST 2000
My platform is Linux, Debian 2.2. I've been testing the same with
GtkAda 1.2.7 and 1.2.6. GtkAda 1.2.7 has the same problem: I've
got a "constraint error" when I try to add a new item; however, in
GtkAda 1.2.6 there isn't such an error.
I need to add items to the tree in my application. That's why I'm
using the Gtk_Tree.
On 9 Aug 2000, at 19:07, Emmanuel Briot wrote:
> emartel at cic.teleco.ulpgc.es writes:
> > I've installed the GtkAda1.2.8 without problem, however when I try
> > to add an item to the tree widget in the testgtk, I have a "constraint
> > error". It seems to be wrong. Has someone solved the problem? I
> > need such widget for my application where I have to add items
> > serveral times.
> Ernestina:
> you did not specify on which platform this was. However, I was able to
> reproduce this on my linux machine, and we will make sure to fix the demo
> before the next release of GtkAda.
> However, this shouldn't be a problem for you if you want to use the Gtk_Tree
> widget in your own application.
> It is interesting to know that the authors of gtk+ recommand in fact to use
> Gtk_Ctree, which is far more powerful and less broken. This is by the way the
> only solution if you want to include pixmaps in your tree.
> Emmanuel
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Ernestina Martel Jordan
Dpto. de Ingenieria Telematica
Despacho 211. Pabellon C.
Campus Universitario de Tafira, s/n
35017 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Spain
Fax:+34 28 451243 Tfno.:+34 28 452876
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