[gps-users] On ubuntu 10.04 cannot find"libpyglib-2.0-python.so.0"

Ludovic Brenta ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org
Wed Sep 15 18:20:57 CEST 2010

Francesco Piraneo G. wrote:
>>> Everything works fine in windows so I think it's a platform related
>>> problem.
>> I suspect this has to do with the fact that Linux filesystems are
>> case-sensitive whereas Windows filesystems are not. What happens if you
>> rename the file TemperatureConverter.adb to temperatureconverter.adb?
> YES! It works! :-)
>> (and maybe you should follow the Ada Quality and Style Guide
>> Temperature_Converter, temperature_converter.adb).
> That's true!
> But it's also true that IMHO gps has to respect the case on a case 
> sensitive environment... bug?! ;-)

No, feature; you can change the naming convention for files if you like;
for this, read the GNAT User's Guide about file naming schemes:


Ludovic Brenta.

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