[gps-users] How to use GPS as a FORTRAN workbench?

Arjan van Dijk Arjan.van.Dijk at rivm.nl
Sun Mar 2 21:32:43 CET 2008

> I would suggest at this stage having a look at the GPS documentation.
> It may not answer all your questions, since GPS is primarily oriented
> towards Ada, C or C++ development, but most of your questions are
> there.

After some reading in both tutorial and user-guide, I managed to get a
project-file that does not give error-messages when loaded. This was done
with manual editing of the file. Also: the syntaxhighlighting is much
better now after I modified the file languages.xml. And: only the
sourcefiles that matter are now listed in the "Project View"! It was very
interesting to see that GPS has recognized all the definitions of
functions, subroutines and types in each source file!

In the hope that I will not get another RTFM, I won't fire that many
at you in 1 go anymore. Just a few:

With respect to my project "foo", which includes about 20 fortran90 files
with extension .f90, and 1 C-file with extension .c, the messages window
"Foo: Warning, no source files for c, fortran 90". Why? When I select a
sourcefile from the project view and do "Build --> Compile File", the file
is properly compiled.

The order in which compilation is done matters. When I do "Build --> Make
--> Compile all sources", then compilation halts when a sourcefile is
compiled that uses routines from a file that has not yet been compiled. How
can this be done?

How can I tell GPS that it should open the first sourcefile with a
compilation error at the location of the error?



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