[gps-users] Funny Project File.

Martin Krischik krischik at users.sourceforge.net
Sat Jan 14 18:08:48 CET 2006

Am Dienstag, 20. Dezember 2005 01:23 schrieb Robert Love:

When compiling GPS (gvs tag gps-3_1_0) this rather funny Project file is 

project Gtkada is

   for Source_Dirs use ("-I/opt/gnat/gcc/include/gtkada");
   for Object_Dir use "-I/opt/gnat/gcc/include/gtkada";
   for Externally_Built use "true";

end Gtkada

Of corse that "-I" inside the path won't actually work.


PS: Yes I would just love to simply use the GPL version - however it seems 
that you guys think that GPL programmers won't have 64 bit CPU and/or a 64 
operating system. Strange notion - I don't think you can buy any 32 bit CPUs 
from AMD any more and all important Linux distributions have a 64 bit offer 

Martin Krischik
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