[gps-users] Small script to enable call to Makefiles from GPS.

Per Sandberg per.sandberg at bredband.net
Sun Jan 1 22:36:34 CET 2006

Ether the user config dir:
  On linux
  On windows

Or the system coinfig dir


Chris Sparks wrote:

> What directory is it?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Per Sandberg wrote:
>> This small script will enable calling to makefiles from the menus in 
>> GPS.
>> To enable just copy the file to a GPS plug-in directory.
>> /Per
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> """
>> Makefile support
>> The intent of this package is to integrate calling to makefiles
>> in GPS.
>> there is two new Project-Attributes added in package "make"
>>   make       identifies the make command to use
>>   Makefile   identifies the Makefile to use.
>>   Switches   Extra switche to make.
>> Enhancents:
>>   Add switches to the make.
>> The syntax in the make file is the folowig
>> {target}: # {menue entry}
>> sample makefile:
>> all: # Make all
>>     How to make all.
>> clean: # clean all
>>     How to clean all.
>> """
>> import GPS
>> from os.path import *
>> import re
>> import sets
>> import os
>> class Console_Process (GPS.Console, GPS.Process):
>>     def on_output (self, unmatched, matched):
>>            self.write ("<" + unmatched+matched + ">")
>>            GPS.Locations.parse(output= unmatched+matched,
>>                               category = "make results",
>>                               regexp="^([^:]:?[^:]*):(\d+):((\d+):)? 
>> ((warning)?(\(style)?.*)",
>>                    file_index =1,
>>                           line_index =2,
>>                               column_index=4,
>>                               style_index=7,
>>                               warning_index=6,
>>                               highlight_category="make results")
>>        def on_exit (self, status, remaining_output):
>>            # self.write (remaining_output)
>>            # print "status:" + str(status)
>>            # self.destroy ()
>>            pass
>>        def on_input (self, input):
>>            self.send (input)
>>        def on_destroy (self):
>>            self.kill ()
>>        def __init__ (self, process, args=""):
>>            GPS.Locations.remove_category("make results")
>>            GPS.Editor.register_highlighting("make results","#FF0000")
>>            GPS.Console.__init__ (self, "",
>>                                  on_input=Console_Process.on_input,
>>                                 # on_destroy=Console_Process.on_destroy,
>>                                  force=True)
>>            GPS.Process.__init__ (self, process + ' ' + args, "^.+$",
>>                                  on_exit=Console_Process.on_exit,
>>                                  on_match=Console_Process.on_output)
>> def on_activate (self):
>>    os.chdir(dirname(GPS.Project.root().file().name()))
>> Switches=GPS.Project.root().get_attribute_as_string("switches","make")
>>    if len(Switches) <> 0:
>>       args=Switches + " "
>>    else:
>>       args=""
>>    args += "-f " + self.file + " "  + self.target
>> make_command=GPS.Project.root().get_attribute_as_string("make","make")
>>    Console_Process (make_command, args)
>> def EditFile (self):
>>    GPS.Editor.edit(self.file)
>> menues=sets.Set()
>> def finalize():
>>   """Removes all current settings"""
>>   global menues
>>   for i in menues:
>>       i.destroy()
>> def checkMakefile(self):
>>    """Tries to read the make file assiciated with the current project
>> and will append the tagged targets to the menue"""
>>    global menues
>>    finalize()
>>    try:
>> Makefile=GPS.Project.root().get_attribute_as_string("makefile","make")
>>       Makefile=join (dirname(GPS.Project.root().file().name()),Makefile)
>>       if isfile(Makefile):
>>          menues=sets.Set()
>>          M=GPS.Menu.create("/Build/Makefile support/Edit Makefile",
>>                            on_activate=EditFile)
>>          M.file=Makefile
>>          menues.add(M)
>>          f=file(Makefile)
>>          matcher=re.compile("^(.+?):.+?#(.+)")
>>          for i in f:
>>             matches=matcher.match(i)
>>             if matches:
>>                M=GPS.Menu.create("/Build/Makefile support/" + 
>> matches.group(2),
>>                                  on_activate=on_activate)
>>                M.file=Makefile
>>                M.target=matches.group(1)
>>                menues.add(M)
>>          f.close()
>>    except:
>>       pass
>> def initialize():
>>   finalize()
>>   GPS.parse_xml("""<project_attribute
>>           name="makefile"
>>           package="Make"
>>           editor_section="Make"
>>           description="Makefile to use for this project">
>>           <string type="file"/>
>>     </project_attribute>
>>     <project_attribute
>>             name="Make"
>>             package="Make"
>>             editor_section="Make"
>>             description="Make command to use when parsing Makefile">
>>             <string type="" default="make"/>
>>       </project_attribute>
>>       <project_attribute
>>             name="Switches"
>>             package="Make"
>>             editor_section="Make"
>>             description="Switches for the make command">
>>             <string type="" default="-k"/>
>>       </project_attribute>""")
>>   GPS.Hook ("project_view_changed").add (checkMakefile)
>> initialize()
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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