[gps-users] Invalid command

Robert C. Leif rleif at rleif.com
Wed May 25 05:13:10 CEST 2005

   Initial Message:
   [2005-05-24 18:54:59] dbimp not found on the path. C/C++ browsing is not
   Welcome to GPS 2.1.0 (20041129) hosted on pentium-mingw32msv
   the GNAT Programming System
   This is the GPS Academic Edition.
   For professional needs use GPS Pro. For details contact us
   at sales at adacore.com
   (c) 2001-2004 ACT-Europe
   [2005-05-24 18:55:00] Command not found in path: gnatls
   When I tried to Build.Check Syntax, I received the following error
   gnatmake -gnatQ -g -u -q -gnats G:\Ada_Utilities\Log\Log.Ads 
   [2005-05-24 18:57:50] Invalid command
   Since the package had previously been compiled using G.P.S 1.4.0, and the
Project Source file (see below) does not include gnatQ, I do not know what
to do. GPS Version 1.4.0, which is still on my P.C. previously worked. It
now gives the same error messages. After several attempts to make GPS 2.1.0
work, I erased it and renamed .gps to old.gps. I latter found out that
Windows XP would not let me rename old.gps back to gps. I then reloaded GPS
2.1.0. Since it did not recreate .gps, I presume .gps is not part of GPS
2.1.0. Where are the files in GPS 2.1.0 that were in .gps located? 
   I would greatly appreciate help to be able to use GPS 2.1.0.  Although I
have not maintained an academic affiliation, my present use of GNAT is for a
public medical informatics standard. I have just published a paper using
GNAT, " R. C. Leif, CytometryML, Binary Data Standards",  in Manipulation
and Analysis of Biomolecules, Cells, and Tissues II, D. V. Nicolau, J.
Enderlein, R. C. Leif, and D. Farkas, Editors, SPIE Proceeding Vol. 5699 pp.
325-333 (2005).
   Thank you.
   Bob Leif
   project Log is
      for Languages use ("Ada");
      for Source_Dirs use (".");
      for Object_Dir use "..\Binary";
      for Exec_Dir use "..\Exec";
      Version := "1.0.0";
      for Library_Name use "LogLib";
       type Build_Type is ("PRODUCTION", "DEBUG");
      Build : Build_Type := external ("Build", "DEBUG");
      package Builder is
         case Build is
            when "DEBUG" =>
               for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-g");
            when "PRODUCTION" =>
               for Default_Switches ("ada") use ();
         end case;
      end Builder;
      package Compiler is
         case Build is
            when "DEBUG" =>
               for Default_Switches ("ada") use
                 ("-gnatwe", "-gnato", "-g"); --"-gnaty",
               for Switches ("screen_output.adb") use
                 ("-gnatwe", "-g");  --"-gnaty",
               for Default_Switches ("c") use ("-g");
            when "PRODUCTION" =>
               for Default_Switches ("ada") use
                 ("-O2", "-gnatN", "-gnatwe", "-gnatp"); --"-gnaty",
               for Default_Switches ("c") use ("-O2");
         end case;
      end Compiler;
      package Ide is
         for Vcs_Kind use "CVS";
         for Compiler_Command ("c") use "gcc";
      end Ide;
   end Log;

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