[gps-users] GPS 2.1.0w (20041007) C++ Source Browsing

Anh Vo Anh.Vo at udlp.com
Sat Oct 9 02:56:36 CEST 2004

For a given C++ project, source code browsing from main() source to
supporting files *.h / *.cpp does not work as expected. In addition, I
could not browse any header file through macro #include <test.h>. On
anther observation, some of operations can not be browsed from *.h to
*.cpp initially. After one browsing from *.h to *.cpp for a browse
capable  operation, the entire operations can be browsed between *.h and
*.cpp files. Note that Recompute C/C++ Xref info has been done before
any browsing attempt.


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