[gps-users] Problem to run GPS

Leon Pollak leonp@plris.com
Thu, 18 Dec 2003 10:46:33 +0200

As nobody answers yet, I shall try, although I am not a guru...:-)

> Problem n°1:
> I succeeded in installing GPS in the /usr/local directory of my brand new
> Mandrake 9.2.
> Nevertheless, I haven't been able to run it yet.
> The command is "/usr/local/GPS/bin/gps" : It answers that libraries
> libgtkada-2.2.so.1
> and ligpng.so.2 aren't found.
> Are they in the packages furnished with Mandrake ? Are they to be
> downloaded from ACT ?
AFAIK, the libpng.so.2 must be in your installation. If no (which seems very 
strange), download it, for example, from www.rpmfind.net.
The libgtkada-2.2.so.1 resides in .../gps/lib and will be called by gps 
script. To understand the process better look in the gps script itself.

> Problem n°2:
> After installation, a message gives me the instructions :
> for csh and tcsh shells :
> 	setenv PATH /usr/local/GPS/bin:$PATH
> for sh, bash, ksh, zsh :
> 	PATH = /usr/local/GPS/bin:$PATH
> 	export PATH
> I know they are to make it easier to access to GPS, like with the DOS
> autoexec.bat file, but I don't know what is the right instruction to use
> and where it is to write. I read somewhere that /etc/profile would do the
> job but after having read this file, I wonder if it is the right one, there
> is no other settings for PATH in it...
I am not familiar with Mandrake distribution (I have RedHat). The simplest way 
to check this which I know is to run "ps -aux" and search for your shell 
If it is bash (which I think is most probable), then I put the PATH setting in 
my .bash_profile.

Hope this helps.

Leon M.Pollak
leonp at plris dot com