[gps-users] GNAT Programming System 1.4.0 for Debian GNU/Linux

Ludovic Brenta ludovic.brenta@insalien.org
04 Dec 2003 17:20:57 +0100

I have now uploaded a corrected package for GPS (1.4.0-2).  It
contains `dbimp' and `cbrowser' from Source Navigator as modified by
ACT.  However, in order not to conflict with any other Debian package,
these two executables have been moved to /usr/lib/gps.

The packages `gnat-gps' and `gnat-gps-doc' are available here:

deb http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main
deb-src http://www.ada-france.org/debian ada main

Ludovic Brenta.