[gps-devel] bug report / improvement suggestion: GPS cannot open project file with invalid paths

Silva João joao.silva at altran.com
Thu Mar 23 15:25:24 CET 2017


This is with GPS 17.1 (20170104) hosted on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
GNAT Pro 17.1 (20170104-62).

When opening a .gpr file with invalid paths e.g.:

   project WDM_Stub_App extends "<nonexistent path>" is

   for Source_Dirs use ("<nonexistent path>");

it simple says that it couldn't load the project.

The error message seems to be from welcome.adb, function On_Load_Project:

       when E : others =>
          Trace (Me, E);
          Button := Message_Dialog
            ((-"Project file ")
             & Display_Full_Name (Project_Name) & (-" couldn't be loaded"),
             Error, Button_OK, Parent => Gtk_Window (S));
          return False;

which catches all exceptions from Load_Project.

A more elucidatory message could be produced, because sometimes it is 
not easy to understand that a path is wrong.


João M. S. Silva
Senior Consultant/Engineer
Intelligent Systems
Altran Portugal
+351 912 383 489

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