[gps-devel] Fwd: GPS with Mac Leopard Adventures

Roger Mc Murtrie rogermc at iinet.net.au
Mon Nov 26 09:55:22 CET 2007

> Now get Splash screen and can work through wizard but lose GPS  
> window when I select OK button.
> I'd better consult the GPS manual to see what's supposed to happen.
> To get to this stage I had to delete the call to
> 	Get_Pixel_Size from GtkAda/src gtkada-mdi.adb
> Will try and sort this out later.
> Regards,
> Roger
> Following is a summary of my adventures so far:
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Configuration:
> Intel Mac-mini1,1
> MacOSX 10.5.1 (Leopard)
> Xcode 3.0
> GNAT 4.3.0 20070903 (experimental) [trunk revision 128061]
> GtkAda-2.8.1
> xmlada-2.2w static library
> To build under MacOSX 10.5 (Leopard),
> /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.0.dylib has to be copied from  MacOSX 10.4  
> (Tiger) /usr/X11R6/lib/libexpat.0.dylib
> as it is not included with MacOSX 10.5
> PATH=/usr/local/ada-4.3/bin:$PATH
> PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig
> ADA_PROJECT_PATH=/usr/local/lib/gnat
> cd /Users/Roger/Desktop/Ada/gps-4.0.2
> ./configure
> make
> sudo make install
> In the following "delete" means "comment out".
> To get gps to build:
> 1. In common/gnat/gexpect_tty.c
> 	deleted
> 	#include SYSTEM_INCLUDE
> 	added
> 	#define subprocesses
> 2. In common/src/vfs.ads
> 	moved
> 	type Virtual_Dir is record
>       File       : Virtual_File;
>       Files_List : File_Array_Access;
>       Current    : Natural;
> 	end record;
> 	ahead of
>   	No_File : constant Virtual_File :=
>      (Ada.Finalization.Controlled with Value => null);
> 	(As far as I understand, syntactically according to the ARM, it was  
> ok where it was.)
> 3.	In builder/src/Makefile.generic
> 	added
> 	ADAFLAGS+=-I/usr/local/ada-4.3/lib/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.3.0/ 
> adainclude -x
> 	(-x allows compilation of needed units external to projects)
> 4.  In codefix/src directory
> 	changed name of file
> 	glib-properties-creation.adb
> 	to
> 	codefix-glib-properties-creation.adb
> 5. In gnat_src/stand.ads
> 	changed
>    Standard_Numeric_Error       : Entity_Id renames SE  
> (S_Numeric_Error);
> 	to
>    Standard_Numeric_Error       : Entity_Id renames SE  
> (S_Constraint_Error);
> 	(Is this right? I did it because of ARM95 Section J.6)
> 6.	In GtkAda/src gtkada-mdi.adb
> 	deleted call to
> 	Get_Pixel_Size
> 7.	In kernel/src/gps-main_window
> 	changed
> 	Configure
>         (Get_MDI (Kernel),
> 	to
>       Gtkada.MDI.Configure
>         (Get_MDI (Kernel),
> 	(because it took me so long to track down the right procedure  
> Configure declaration.)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> On 26/11/2007, at 11:09 AM, Roger Mc Murtrie wrote:
>> Subject was Re: [gps-devel] Where is Set_Priorities?I
>> Intel Mac under Mac OSX 10.5 (Leopard)
>> Probably a bit ambitious, but worth a try.
>> So far I have it compiling, linking, starting than hanging.
>> Currently trying to find out where its hanging.
>> Roger
>> On 26/11/2007, at 12:31 AM, Ludovic Brenta wrote:
>>> Roger Mc Murtrie <rogermc at IINET.NET.AU> writes:
>>>> That sounds like a bit of a challenge for the future and worth  
>>>> trying.
>>>> For the moment, getting gps-4.0.2-gpl built and working should  
>>>> keep me
>>>> busy for a while.
>>>> Success is not particularly anticipated just now, but we live in  
>>>> hope.
>>>> If I do manage to get the thing working; hopefully, I'll be able to
>>>> have a go at "putting out the binaries".
>>>> Thanks for the encouragement,
>>>> Roger
>>> What platform are you trying to build on?  If GNU/Linux or *BSD, I
>>> suggest check out the build scripts I wrote for Debian.  In my
>>> experience, GPS is difficult to build.
>>> -- 
>>> Ludovic Brenta.

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