[gps-devel] building gps 3.1.3

alwyn lee alwynbjut at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 10 10:28:52 CET 2006

here is some problem in building  gps 3.1.3 
I have install all the package form the libre webset it provides.
when I build gps source here is the problem 
gnatmake -Pgps gps-main.adb
gcc -c -g -gnatec=/gps/gps-3.1.3/gps/gnat.adc -O2 -gnatn -gnatws -I-
-gnatA /gps/gps-3.1.3/gps/src/gps-main.adb
scng.adb:1982:20: "Category" is undefined (more references follow)
scng.adb:1996:20: "Get_Category" is not visible (more references
scng.adb:1996:20: non-visible declaration at
gnatmake: "/gps/gps-3.1.3/gps/src/gps-main.adb" compilation error
make[1]: *** [internal-build] Error 4
make: *** [default] Error 2
[root at bjut gps-3.1.3]#
oh , I forgot to told us that I used the redhat fc 4
gcc 4.0.0 
I didn't build the gnat-gpl-2005 source, If I use the system gcc ,does
it ok? Is it necessory for me to build the gnat-gpl-source? or may I
use the latesty gcc to instead ?

         thanks so much 


     alwyn lee
alwyn116 at hotmail.com   (Messenger)
alwyn116 at yahoo.com.cn   (Mail)


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