[GAP] GAP Bof session at Ada Europe

Matteo Bordin bordin at adacore.com
Mon Jun 7 12:13:48 CEST 2010

Hello Luigi,

we will post a full separate announcement about Ravenscar on Mindstorms 
very shortly.

Kind regards,


Luigi Zaffalon wrote:
> Hello,
> Unable to attend, can you tell me more about
> Ravenscar on Mindstorms.
> With thanks and best regards.
> Le 07.06.2010 11:14, Nathalie Lesigne a écrit :
>> Dear GAP members,
>> For those of you going to Valencia for this year's Ada Europe conference, a GAP birds of a feather session will be held on Wednesday June 16 at 18:00. Please don't hesitate to send through any topics that you would like to discuss. From our side, we will present the following:
>> - an update on GAP activities over 2009/10
>> - GNAT GPL 2010 new features
>> - SPARK GPL 2010 new features
>> - Ravenscar on Mindstorms
>> We look forward to seeing many of you there!
> -- 
> _ Luigi Zaffalon
> professeur HES
> *hepia Geneva*
> University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
> technology, architecture and landscape
> Rue de la Prairie 4
> CH-1202 Genève
> <http://www.hesge.ch/hepia> luigi(dot)zaffalon at hesge(dot)ch
> http://eig.unige.ch/~iii <http://eig.unige.ch/%7Eiii>
> Tél. +41 (0)22 546 25 52
> Fax +41 (0)22 546 24 10
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