[GAP] Fwd: [sc] CfP - EDCC-2010 Fast Abstracts & Student Forum (Deadline: 28 February 2010)

Kathy Fairlamb fairlamb at adacore.com
Mon Nov 30 11:22:09 CET 2009

Call for Papers
         EDCC-2010 Fast Abstracts & EDCC-2010 Student Forum
          Eighth European Dependable Computing Conference
                  Valencia, Spain, April 28-30, 2010



    Submission Deadline:  28th February 2010
    Author notification:  14th March    2010
    Camera ready version: 28th March    2010

    Submission deadline:  28th February 2010
    Author notification:  14th March    2010


STUDENT FORUM (Chair: Mikel Larrea - Univ. of the Basque Country)

The Student Forum welcomes futuristic, sometimes "off the wall" ideas
in the area of Dependable Computing. Students should submit up to six
page contribution, including tables and figures, which will be
evaluated by the Student Forum Program Committee. The contribution
should describe original research (not submitted or published
elsewhere), singly authored by a student, and must be formatted in
accordance to the IEEE Computer Society templates and
instructions. The contributions must be submitted to the Student Forum
chair, Mikel Larrea, by e-mail (mikel.larrea at ehu.es) in PDF.

The Proceedings of the Student Forum will be compiled and distributed
at the conference, included in the Supplement to the proceedings of
the conference.


FAST ABSTRACTS (Chair: Karl M. Göschka - TU Wien)

Fast Abstracts are short presentations of work in progress or opinion
pieces (maximum 2 pages in standard template from the IEEE Computer
Society). Fast Abstracts aim to serve as a rapid and flexible
mechanism to:

    * Report on current work that may or may not be complete
    * Introduce new ideas to the community
    * State positions on controversial issues or open problems

Fast Abstracts will not be refereed. Instead, the Fast Abstracts Chair
and the Conference Program Chair will lightly screen the
submissions. The criteria for acceptance will be: i) relevance and
interest to the community, and ii) arrival time. Therefore, authors
are encouraged to send their submission well in advance before the
final deadline. We will accept as many Fast Abstracts as possible, the
amount is limited by the available presentation time at the


Dr Francois Taiani           Computing Department
http://ftaiani.ouvaton.org/  Lancaster University

Eighth European Dependable Computing Conference (EDCC-2010)
Valencia 28-30 April 2010   Wshop Deadlines: 13&20 Jan 2010

Kathy Fairlamb
Communications & Administration
T: +33 1 49 70 67 16
F: +33 1 49 70 05 52

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