[GAP] Ada names among 2009 ACM Distinguished Members

Kathy Fairlamb fairlamb at adacore.com
Thu Nov 12 10:52:53 CET 2009

We are pleased to see some big Ada names listed in the announcement by  
the ACM of their 2009 distinguished educators:

Ben-Ari, Mordechai (Moti), Weizmann Institute of Science
Carlisle, Martin C., United States Air Force Academy

View the complete list of 2009 ACM Distinguished Members at:

Read the ACM Press Release at:

In addition, you may be interested to learn that Jim Moore, who ran  
the Ada ISO Working Group (WG9) for years, has recently been awarded  
the IEEE Karlsson award.

Kind regards to all,

Kathy Fairlamb
T: +33 1 49 70 67 16
F: +33 1 49 70 05 52

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