[GAP] CrossTalk CS Education article

Jean-Pierre Rosen rosen at adalog.fr
Fri Jan 4 17:32:46 CET 2008

Edmond Schonberg a écrit :
> (Should we launch the slogan: Ada programmers have a better sense of  
> humor?)
Oh, no! I often claim that with Ada, you replace the pleasure of playing 
with the pleasure of having a work well done...

I must add that things are not better on this side of the water. In my 
training sessions, I have an exercise about pointers: build a simple 
linked list. I spend a huge time explaining people how to add an element 
in front of the list.

And when I mention in my course that something should be avoided because 
it would go O(n2), most of the attendance looks at me with big eyes...

Another devastating effect of Java is that people ignore totally the 
issue of memory management. And when I mention that garbage collection 
does not prevent memory leaks if you don't set pointers to null, it 
seems that nobody ever told them.
            J-P. Rosen (rosen at adalog.fr)
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