[GAP] CrossTalk CS Education article

Robert Dewar dewar at adacore.com
Fri Jan 4 16:28:20 CET 2008

Anthony S Ruocco wrote:
> Unfortuantley, this is somewhat a preaching to the choir issue.  As a small program, fighting for every student (and then fighting to retain them) I can add some other perspectives.  I cannot count the number of parents who come to open houses wanting to ensure their child will learn Java as a freshman to 'make sure they can get a job.'  I have never been given an explanation of why CS needs to prepare students for jobs based on a freshman course.  I know of no parent of engineer students asking about CAD-based courses for freshmen to ensure a job four years later!  

Ironic at a period in time when Java is hitting significant bumps in the 
road. Actually if you just want to ensure jobs, COBOL might be a better
choice, a real shortage of mainframe/COBOL types is looming :-)

Of course crosstalk itself is not preaching to an Ada choir, so I think 
it is nice to get an article like this into a mainstream publication
of this type.

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