[GAP] Ada 2005 API

Andy Wellings andy at cs.york.ac.uk
Fri Feb 22 09:12:12 CET 2008

In the past we have made use of the Ada 95 Language Reference Card 
produced by Intermetrics for our students. We give them a copy for the 
lab work and during the exams. Unfortunately, I only have a scanned 
printed version from Tucker.

It would be nice if this was updated for 2005.


Edmond Schonberg wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2008, at 12:02 PM, Edward G. Okie wrote:
>> Does anyone know of an Ada API specification anywhere on the web?
>> My students who are learning Ada frequently ask me whether there is an
>> Ada API specification available on the web.  When they learned Java,
>> they typically relied heavily on the online Java API, and as they are
> This may be the problem.  The core of the language is quite  
> independent of API's.  The type model, the control structures,  
> subprograms and parameter passing,  genericity, concurrency, etc. do  
> not need any API's to be understood.  If your students are looking  
> for other interfaces when the core of the language provides  
> everything they need, they are  looking in the wrong place.  This  
> means that the motivation must be other than to write web  
> applications, of course.
>> learning Ada they are a bit frustrated to not have a similar  
>> reference.
>> There is a version for Ada 95 available on the AdaBrowse site, but I
>> don't know of anything similar for Ada 05.  The Ada Reference Manual
>> does provide similar information, but they want something closer to  
>> the
>> Java API.
> Ed Schonberg
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Professor A.J. Wellings
Department of Computer Science
University of York
YO10 5DD

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