[GAP] Use of Ada 2005

David Levy dlevy at ee.usyd.edu.au
Sun Mar 26 03:34:49 CEST 2006

At the UNiversity of Sydney, we have been using Ada in our Real-time 
computing course for many years (old news!). We also run some students 
projects that use it.

This July semester I will introduce some Ada 2005 issues.

Dave Levy
A/Prof David C Levy
Head of School of Electrical and Information Engineering
http://www.ee.usyd.edu.au/~dlevy    dlevy at ee.usyd.edu.au
Bldg J-13, Maze Cres,  Univ of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006,
Australia.    tel: (02) 9351-6579    fax: (02) 9351-3847
I think, therefore I am. I dream, therefore I become.

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