[GAP] gnat3.15p + AdaCore's gnat environment

Martin Carlisle carlislem at acm.org
Thu Jan 19 20:24:33 CET 2006

I actually use AdaGIDE+GAP compiler.  The particular item needed to make
this combo successful is to be able to invoke the GPS debugger instead of
GVD.  To do this, I use the following small program in place of GVD.

I suspect when the project wizards in GPS become better that I won't feel a
need to use AdaGIDE instead of GPS.


with Ada.Command_Line;
use Ada.Command_Line;
with Gnat.Os_Lib;
with Ada.Strings.Fixed;
use Ada.Strings.Fixed;

procedure Gvd is
   Al : Gnat.Os_Lib.Argument_List(1..2);
   Name : String := Argument(1);
   Result : Gnat.Os_Lib.Process_Id;
   pragma Linker_Options("-mwindows");
   Al(1) := new String'("--debug=" & name);
   Al(2) := new String'(Name(Name'First..Name'Last-3) & "adb");
   Result := Gnat.Os_Lib.Non_Blocking_Spawn(
      Program_Name => "gps.exe",
      Args         => Al);
end Gvd;

-----Original Message-----
From: gap-bounces at gnat.info [mailto:gap-bounces at gnat.info] On Behalf Of
Cyrille Comar
Sent: Thursday, January 19, 2006 12:22 PM
To: GNAT Academic Program discussion list
Cc: gap at adacore.info
Subject: Re: [GAP] gnat3.15p + AdaCore's gnat environment

Peter.Hermann at ihr.uni-stuttgart.de wrote:
> Does somebody have experience with a peaceful(?) coexistence of
> gnat3.15p+AdaGide
>       and
> AdaCore's gnat academic environment
> under Windows2000 or XP ?
> reason for my question:
> I do not want to abandon gnat3.15p+AdaGide because I still need to 
> have a common platform with my students.
> OTOH I need some functionality of Ada2005 in other situations.

Hello Peter,

I am afraid this may not be straightforward. Relatively recent GNAT versions
packaged by AdaCore for Windows can all be installed at the same time
without perturbating other distribs. I don't think this was already the case
for 3.15.

Why wouldn't you upgrade your students to the GAP release? (or the GPL
edition if you want them to be able to download it easily from the Libre

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