[GAP] JEWL and GNAT GPL 2006

John McCormick mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Tue Dec 19 21:27:33 CET 2006

Next semester I am teaching a course in concurrent programming.  When I 
taught this course last (in 2000), I found John English's Window Library 
(JEWL) to be the perfect tool for I/O in my examples and 
assignments.   Today I downloaded and installed the latest version of JEWL 
on my Windows XP machine.  I attempted to build and run one of the 
examples.  I am unable to get a successful link.   Below is a copy of my 
attempt to make the pong example - it looks that I am missing some 
files.  Has anyone had success using JEWL with GNAT GPL 2006?

A bit of good Ada news.  This Fall the University of Northern Iowa will 
return to using Ada in our CS1 and CS2 courses!  Faculty voted 
overwhelmingly to replace Java in these two courses.


$set ADA_INCLUDE_PATH=C:\Documents and Settings\mccormick\My 

$set ADA_OBJECTS_PATH=C:\Documents and Settings\mccormick\My 

$gnatmake pong.adb
gcc -c pong.adb
gnatbind -x pong.ali
gnatlink pong.ali
C:\GNAT\GPL_2006\bin\..\libexec\gcc\pentium-mingw32msv\3.4.6\ld.exe: cannot 
find -luser32 -lgdi32 -lcomdlg32 -lwinmm
gnatlink: cannot call C:\GNAT\GPL_2006\bin\gcc.exe
gnatmake: *** link failed.


John W. McCormick                mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Computer Science Department
University of Northern Iowa        voice (319) 273-6056
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0507       fax (319) 273-7123

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