[GAP] Free copy of J. Barnes's new book for GAP members

Juan A. de la Puente jpuente at dit.upm.es
Wed Apr 12 10:17:39 CEST 2006

Kathryn Fairlamb escribió:
> Thank you all for your interest in the Barnes book. As you know, we 
> are currently working with the publisher to provide a copy to all GAP 
> members free of charge.
> Though we initially indicated an automatic sign-up, we have determined 
> it would in fact be more appropriate to ask each professor wishing to 
> receive the book to send email confirmation. Please also indicate if 
> your  mailing address has changed since you last renewed your GAP 
> account.
So it is "me too" :-) . OK, I would like a copy. The mailing address is 
the same.


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