[GAP] Free copy of J. Barnes's new book for GAP members

Johann Blieberger blieb at auto.tuwien.ac.at
Wed Apr 12 10:07:09 CEST 2006

On Wed, Apr 12, 2006 at 10:00:57AM +0200, Kathryn Fairlamb wrote:
> Thank you all for your interest in the Barnes book. As you know, we are 
> currently working with the publisher to provide a copy to all GAP 
> members free of charge.
> Though we initially indicated an automatic sign-up, we have determined 
> it would in fact be more appropriate to ask each professor wishing to 
> receive the book to send email confirmation. Please also indicate if 
> your  mailing address has changed since you last renewed your GAP account.

It would be fine if you could add me to the list.


| Johann Blieberger                  | Institute of Computer-Aided Automation  |
| phone:  ++43 1 58801-18313         |      Technical University Vienna        |
| fax:    ++43 1 58801-18391         |           Treitlstr. 1-3                |
| email:  blieb(at)auto.tuwien.ac.at |            A-1040 Vienna                |
| WWW:  www.auto.tuwien.ac.at/~blieb |                                         |

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