[GAP] MaRTE OS Technical Insights Seminar, Paris, 28 September 05

Laurent Pautet pautet at inf.enst.fr
Tue Sep 13 16:48:35 CEST 2005

Unfortunatly, I am not available on sep 28th.

Sorry about that. I would have really enjoyed attending the seminar.

All the best,

On Sep 13, 2005, at 3:11 PM, Louise Arkwright wrote:

> Dear GAP Member,
> On Wed, 28 September, a "Technical Insights" seminar on MaRTE OS will  
> take
> place in the AdaCore Paris offices. Everyone interested is very  
> welcome to
> join.
> MaRTE-OS is a
>    "Minimal Real-Time Operating System for Embedded Applications"
> based on a GNU development environment with multi-language  
> capabilities. A lot
> of information (major characteristics, general architecture, papers,  
> projects
> using MaRTE, ...) is available from the project's Web page at
>    http://marte.unican.es/
> We have pleasure in welcoming two major architects of the project:
>  Mario Aldea Rivas and Michael Gonzalez Harbour
> from the University of Cantabria (Spain), who are travelling to Paris
> epecially to offer us this seminar.
> To put things in perspective, Michael Gonzalez Harbour has been  
> working for
> years in software engineering for real-time systems. He is a co-author  
> of "A
> Practitioner's Handbook on Real-Time Analysis" and a very active  
> member of the
> POSIX real-time working group.
> The currently planned schedule is about 2h30mn, starting at 10am, with  
> the
> following topics to be covered:
> - Introduction
> - MaRTE: Architecture and functionality
> - MaRTE: Real-time communications
> - MaRTE and GAP
> - MaRTE and Ada 2005
> - Future
> If you are interested in attending, please contact  
> arkwright at adacore.com.
> --  
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
> AdaCore                                          Tel: +33 1 49 70 67 16
> 8 rue de Milan                                   Fax: +33 1 49 70 05 52
> 75009 Paris                                      arkwright at adacore.com
> France                                           www.adacore.com
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> ---------------
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--  Laurent

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