[GAP] Win_IO Version 2.0.1 is now available

Michael Gonzalez mgh at unican.es
Wed Oct 13 11:54:21 CEST 2004


Version 2.0.1 of Win_IO is now available in:


This version is developed with GtkAda 2.2.X and is free software. It is 
the same as version 2.0 except that it corrects a bug in the function 
used to read an image from disk.

Win_IO is a set of packages for graphical input and output. It is
designed specially for students or Ada users who do not want to spend
their time learning a complex graphical user interface, but who are
"tired" of the old-fashioned text-oriented input and output. Win_IO
has the same goals as JEWL (John English Windows Library,
http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/staff/je/jewl/), but is simpler (and less
powerful) and is portable within Unix, Linux and Windows
platforms. JEWL is currently only provided for Windows.

See how you can code nice-looking windows for input & output in a
really minimal program:

    output:   http://www.ctr.unican.es/win_io/ow_example.html
    input :   http://www.ctr.unican.es/win_io/iw_example.html

Win_IO is composed of the following modules:

- Input_Windows: Provides a simple window with I/O capabilities for
   data of the types Integer, Float, and String. Several data can be
   displayed and/or retrieved on the same window.

- Output_Windows: Provides a simple window with Output capabilities for
   data of the types Integer, Float, and String. Several data can be
   displayed on the same window.

- Message_Windows: Provides a simple window for displaying a short
   message. It provides an OK button for closing the window.

- Menu_Windows: Provides a simple window with several buttons that
   enable the user to select from a number of options.It is a generic
   package that must be instantiated with an enumeration type. One button
   will be created for each value in this type.

- Graphics_Windows: Provides a simple window with drawing
   capabilities, including the display of picture files.

- Plot_Windows: Provides a simple window for drawing two-dimensional
   graphs from sets of points.

Best regards,

Michael Gonzalez.

Michael Gonzalez Harbour                  E-mail: mgh at unican.es
Dpto. de Electronica y Computadores       URL: http://www.ctr.unican.es
Universidad de Cantabria                  Phone : +34-942-201483
Avda. de los Castros s/n                  Fax   : +34-942-201402
E-39005 Santander

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