[GAP] Prolearn promotes stand on CeBIT 2005

Marius Amado Alves amado.alves at netcabo.pt
Wed Nov 24 17:24:22 CET 2004

Before I advertized the Prolearn project as of interest for GAP. Got no 
answer. Second try. Currently Prolearn is looking for partners to 
prepare a stand on the upcoming CeBIT next March in Hannover. The 
Prolearn project pays the stand and reemburses travel expenses. Prolearn 
is an European Network of Excelence for technology enhanced professional 
learning. 20 consortium partners, 200 associate partners, 6 million 
euros. Probably people on this list besides myself also belongs to a 
institution which is already a partner. To me the GAP is clearly in the 
"technology enhanced professional learning" category.

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