[GAP] teaching real-time programming with Ada

John McCormick mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Wed Nov 24 16:20:28 CET 2004


I am still teaching real-time programming with Ada in my model railroad 
lab.  http://www.cs.uni.edu/~mccormic/RealTime/

I have been using an old version of GNAT with MaRTE.  This year I am 
migrating to IBM Rational Embedded Ada.  Perhaps the changes to MaRTE will 
bring me back to back in the future.


>Hi everyone,
>I would like to know who uses Ada to teach real-time programming and
>which compiler & runtime you use for this purpose. I have heard that
>some people were still using old versions of GNAT that have support for
>tasking based on the FSU thread for that purpose.
>Are there still people in this situation? There may be better
>alternatives those days...

John W. McCormick                mccormick at cs.uni.edu
Computer Science Department
University of Northern Iowa        voice (319) 273-6056
Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0507       fax (319) 273-7123

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