[AWS] fatal error, run-time library not installed correctly cannot locate file system.ads
Ludovic Brenta
ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org
Mon Oct 6 10:40:54 CEST 2014
Babak <babak.mn at gmail.com> writes:
> Just downloaded latest GNAT GPL 2014 from adacore.com and trying to install
> it.
> I did ./doinstall in GNAT GPL directory it asked me the questions and ran
> without errors
> But now I get,
> gnatgpl/gnat-gpl-2014-x86_64-linux-bin$ /usr/gnat/bin/gnat
> fatal error, run-time library not installed correctly
> cannot locate file system.ads
> same error happens with other tools such as gnatls.
> That's on a fresh Debian Wheezy with nothing else done to the system.
Not even installation of package gnat or gnat-4.6? This seems like a
problem with the installation of the compiler.
Please report the symptoms precisely and completely. We'll need the
complete output of:
gcc -v
gnatmake -v
gnatls -v
and the *exact* and *complete* commands you run to compile your program
that uses AWS. You might need to look at your $PATH, etc.
PS. In Debian 7 "Wheezy" you can use an older version of AWS,
precompiled and ready to go, with little or no hassle. Just "aptitude
install libaws2.10.2-dev" and read /usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws.gpr.
PPS. AWS 3.2.0 and gnatcoll have just reached unstable, the future
Debian 8 "Jessie".
Ludovic Brenta.
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