[AWS] Using AWS 3.2.0 (or other version) on Ubuntu 14.04?

Ludovic Brenta ludovic at ludovic-brenta.org
Wed Oct 1 15:34:52 CEST 2014

Babak wrote:
> Has anyone had success running AWS 3.2.0 on Ubuntu 14.04?
> If someone could post an up-to-date simple how-to guide on getting
> started with AWS I'd really appreciate it.
> I've been searching for the past two days with no luck, I just want
> to easily get a hello world web page going.

Have you tried "aptitude install libaws2.10.2-dev" ?
Sure it's an older version but it works, especially for hello world.
If you try this, be sure to read /usr/share/ada/adainclude/aws.gpr.
You might also want to install libaws-doc and libaws-bin.

We're in the process of upgrading Debian to AWS 3.2.0 but it's not
in the archive yet.

Ludovic Brenta.

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