[AWS] Fwd: Troubles compiling AWS on Ubuntu 12.04

Riccardo Bernardini riccardo.bernardini at uniud.it
Tue Nov 27 17:24:07 CET 2012

Sebastiano Gottardo <dextorer at gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Hello,
> let me apologize in advance if my question is going to be silly. I'm having
> troubles compiling AWS on my Ubuntu x86_64 distribution. Details as follows:
>    - I've downloaded and installed (in /usr/gnat/) GNAT GPL Edition from
>    http://libre.adacore.com - its version is "GNAT GPL 2012 (20120509)"
>    - I've added the installation directoty "/usr/gnat/bin/" to the PATH
>    variable - now I'm able to run all the gnat- commands
>    - I've downloaded the AWS archive from http://libre.adacore.com too
> Now, if I simply run "sudo make setup build install" I get this error:
> *make[1]: gprbuild: Command not found*

I guess that the problem is "sudo" in your command line.  sudo seems  
to discard the variable PATH (for security reasons, I guess), so  
/usr/gnat/bin is not in PATH anymore when make runs.  From the sudo  

        sudo tries to be safe when executing external commands.

        There are two distinct ways to deal with environment variables.  By
        default, the env_reset sudoers option is enabled.  This causes commands
        to be executed with a minimal environment containing TERM, PATH, HOME,
        SHELL, LOGNAME, USER and USERNAME in addition to variables from the
        invoking process permitted by the env_check and env_keep sudoers
        options.  There is effectively a whitelist for environment variables.

Question: do you really need to do setup and build under sudo?  If  
not, you can use sudo only for install and this should solve your  



> which is really weird, because I've double checked the /usr/gnat/bin/
> directory and it contains the gprbuild executable. If I, on the other hand,
> install gprbuild from the Ubuntu repositories (which contains a 2011
> version) the configuration/compilation goes on without any issue. Seems
> like some incompatibility between GNAT and AWS, but I can't figure out why.
> What am I missing?
> If I've missed any vital information I will provide it upfront.
> Thanks,
> Sebastiano

Riccardo Bernardini
DIEGM -- University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208
33100 Udine
Tel: +39-0432-55-8271
Fax: +39-0432-55-8251

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine

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