[AWS] Odd time trying to build a working AWS.
Joey Fish
onewingedshark at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 20:55:19 CEST 2012
Looking on Stack-overflow I saw a minimal AWS example and integrated it
into my test program as the Version subprogram, when I commented out the
indicated portions I got a clean compile and run. (Source below)
I remember Pascal saying something about a zlib incompatibility, and given
that most of the linker errors involve zlib that is likely the issue:
aws-net-poll_events.o undefined reference to `poll'
aws-net.o undefined reference to `socket_strerror'
zlib-thin.o [ 3 entries]
zlib.o [11 entries]
There are some concerns about 'poll' and 'socket_strerror'
with Ada;
use Ada;
With Ada.Text_IO;
with GNAT.IO; use GNAT.IO;
With AWS
-- Comment out the following line for a correct compile
, AWS.Server, AWS.Status, AWS.Response
Procedure Test is
-- comment out Hello_World if AWS.Server is commented out.
procedure Hello_World is
function HW_CB(Request: in AWS.Status.Data)
return AWS.Response.Data is
URI: constant String:=AWS.Status.URI(Request);
if URI="/hello" then
return AWS.Response.Build("text/html","<p>Helloworld!");
return AWS.Response.Build("text/html","<p>Hum...");
end if;
end HW_CB;
delay 30.0;
end Hello_World;
procedure Version is
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("AWS version is " & AWS.Version);
end Version;
Put_Line( "Testing" );
-- Hello_World;
end Test;
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