[AWS] Odd time trying to build a working AWS.

Joey Fish onewingedshark at gmail.com
Wed Jun 13 19:52:54 CEST 2012

Yes, I'm using it as a toolset; though I have to say it's a little
cumbersome (I think that the whole *nix mentality lends itself to
cumbersome though).

I don't think I'm using the wrong style of build [static/dynamic] as the
makefile.setup used says:

And the GPR for my test:
With "AWS";
--with "zlib";
project AWS_Test is

   for Source_Dirs use (".\**", "..\Programming\GNAT\2010\include\aws\**");
   for Object_Dir use "Obj";
   for Exec_Dir use ".";
   for Main use ("Test.adb");
   for Library_Auto_Init use "False";
   for Library_Ali_Dir use "..\Programming\GNAT\2010\lib\aws\native\static";
-- Also used this:
-- for Library_Ali_Dir use
   package Naming is
      for Spec_Suffix ("ada") use ".ads";
      for Body_Suffix ("ada") use ".adb";
      for Separate_Suffix use ".adb";
      for Casing use "MixedCase";
      for Dot_Replacement use "-";
   end Naming;

   package Compiler is
      for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-gnat05", "-O3");
   end Compiler;

   package Builder is
      for Default_Switches ("ada") use ("-j4");
   end Builder;

end AWS_Test;

Neither configuration would link and gave the same error.

On Wed, Jun 13, 2012 at 12:09 PM, Pascal Obry <pascal at obry.net> wrote:

> Le 13/06/2012 16:38, Dennison, Ted a écrit :
> > Why are you using Cygwin, instead of the MingW ( http://www.Mingw.org )
> > environment GCC is usually built with? Is there some reason you have to
> > have the full POSIX stuff?
> I think the OP run Cygwin as a tool set to build AWS and not a GNAT
> targeted for Cygwin.
> Pascal.
> --
> --|------------------------------------------------------
> --| Pascal Obry                           Team-Ada Member
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> --| "The best way to travel is by means of imagination"
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