[AWS] No route to host Net.Connect failed because Net.Wait failed

Joseph Montanez jmontanez at gorilla3d.com
Thu Apr 12 21:27:52 CEST 2012

So, I am deploying a very simple aws application and getting a
Net.Wait failed... Anyone come across this? Running on linux gnat 4.4
and aws 2.7. I tried upgrading to the newest AWS in git repo, however
it wont compile. So i tried installing the newest 2011 gnat, and that
went fine, but compiling aws just wont work. it can't find a lot of
gnat tools. I've messed around with makefile.conf but I still get
issue like "gprbuild: could not locate gprconfig for
auto-configuration". I've install gnat into /usr/gnat ... so I set
prefix and a few of the tools in that makefile to point to /usr/gnat
however still no luck getting past "make setup"

with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Command_Line;

with AWS.Server;
with AWS.Config;
with AWS.Config.Set;

with Server_CB;

procedure Server is
   package CL renames Ada.Command_Line;
   package Config_Set renames AWS.Config.Set;

   WS : AWS.Server.HTTP;
   Config : AWS.Config.Object;
   Server_Host : String := CL.Argument (1);
   Server_Port : Natural := Natural'Value (CL.Argument (2));

   --  Protocol_Family
   --  Server_Port
   --  Server_Name
   Config_Set.Server_Host (Config, Server_Host);
   Config_Set.Server_Port (Config, Server_Port);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Running on host: " & Server_Host);
   Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Running on port: " & Natural'Image (Server_Port));

   AWS.Server.Start (
      Web_Server     => WS,
      Callback       => Server_CB.HW_CB'Access,
      Config         => Config

   AWS.Server.Wait (AWS.Server.Q_Key_Pressed);

   AWS.Server.Shutdown (WS);
end Server;

Joseph Montanez
Web Developer
Design, Develop, Deploy

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