[AWS] wsdl2aws does not create complete files

Björn Lundin b.f.lundin at gmail.com
Fri Apr 6 12:18:26 CEST 2012

I'm trying to use wsdl2aws, but it does not create complete files.
This is on debian, squeeze, fresh install, and the same happens if I
turn it to Sid, unstable,

the wsdl is at http://cs.au.dk/~amoeller/WWW/webservices/wsdlexample.html
but no matter what wsdl I use I only get partial files

name at machine:~/test$ wsdl2aws -v

wsdl2aws SOAP Generator v2.3.0

most samples on the web use the -noskel option.

name at machine:~/test$ wsdl2aws -noskel hello.wsdl

Service StockQuoteService
   My first service

name at machine:~/test$ ls
hello.wsdl             stockquoteservice-client.adb  stockquoteservice-types.ads
stockquoteservice.ads  stockquoteservice-client.ads

name at machine:~/test$ cat *.ad*

--  wsdl2aws SOAP Generator v2.3.0
--  AWS 2.10.2 - SOAP 1.5.0
--  This file was generated on Friday 06 April 2012 at 12:13:13
--  $ wsdl2aws -noskel hello.wsdl

--  My first service

with AWS.Client;

package StockQuoteService is

   URL      : constant String := "http://example.com/stockquote";
   Timeouts : constant AWS.Client.Timeouts_Values :=


--  wsdl2aws SOAP Generator v2.3.0
--  AWS 2.10.2 - SOAP 1.5.0
--  This file was generated on Friday 06 April 2012 at 12:13:13
--  $ wsdl2aws -noskel hello.wsdl

pragma Warnings (Off);

with SOAP.Client;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Client);
with SOAP.Message.Payload;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP);
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Message);
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Message.Payload);
with SOAP.Message.Response;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Message.Response);
with SOAP.Name_Space;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Name_Space);
with SOAP.Parameters;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Parameters);
with SOAP.Utils;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Utils);

package body StockQuoteService.Client is

   use SOAP.Types;
   use type SOAP.Parameters.List;

   pragma Style_Checks (Off);


--  wsdl2aws SOAP Generator v2.3.0
--  AWS 2.10.2 - SOAP 1.5.0
--  This file was generated on Friday 06 April 2012 at 12:13:13
--  $ wsdl2aws -noskel hello.wsdl

pragma Warnings (Off);

with Ada.Calendar;

with SOAP.Types;
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP);
pragma Elaborate_All (SOAP.Types);

with StockQuoteService.Types;

package StockQuoteService.Client is

   use StockQuoteService.Types;

   Connection : constant AWS.Client.HTTP_Connection;


--  wsdl2aws SOAP Generator v2.3.0
--  AWS 2.10.2 - SOAP 1.5.0
--  This file was generated on Friday 06 April 2012 at 12:13:13
--  $ wsdl2aws -noskel hello.wsdl

It does not matter if I loose the noskel otion, I get uncomplete files anyway



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