[AWS] Custom Headers in AWS.Client

Joseph Montanez jmontanez at gorilla3d.com
Fri Apr 6 11:49:31 CEST 2012


That worked perfectly! As a note I didn't see any Set functions or
procedures in the docs online:

On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 10:06 PM, Casey Comendant <casey at hyperspire.com> wrote:
> I believe you will find what you are looking for in AWS.Headers.Set.
> For instance, consider the following:
> with AWS.Client;
> with AWS.Status;
> with AWS.Headers.Set;
> with AWS.Response;
> procedure Default is
>    HTTP_GET_Headers   : AWS.Headers.List;
>    HTTP_GET_Response : AWS.Response.Data;
> begin
>    -- Set header data
>    AWS.Headers.Set.Add (Headers  => HTTP_GET_Headers,
>            Name => "Header_Name1", Value => "Header Value 1");
>    AWS.Headers.Set.Add (Headers  => HTTP_GET_Headers,
>            Name => "Header_Name2", Value => "Header Value 2");
>    AWS.Headers.Set.Add (Headers  => HTTP_GET_Headers,
>            Name => "Header_Name3", Value => "Header Value 3");
>    -- Etc...
>    -- Create client connection
>    AWS.Client.Create (Connection => HTTP_Connection,
>        Host => "http://example.somewhereovertherainbow.com/");
>    -- Get the content
>        AWS.Client.Get
>            (HTTP_Connection,
>             HTTP_GET_Response,
>             "http://example.somewhereovertherainbow.com/wherebluebirdsfly/",
>             HTTP_Data_Range,
>             HTTP_GET_Headers);
>    -- Do something with the data
>    Ada.Text_IO.Put (AWS.Response.Message_Body (HTTP_GET_Response));
>    -- Etc...
> end Default;
> Somewhat off the top of my head but I think it should point you in the
> general direction.
> On Fri, Apr 6, 2012 at 6:30 AM, Joseph Montanez <jmontanez at gorilla3d.com> wrote:
>> I was looking at the documentation at AWS.Client.Get and I see
>> "Headers", however I am not finding a way to populate them, it looks
>> like it is a read only header list. Is there a way to alter the
>> headers? I also noticed User_Agent is in HTTP_Connection, but that
>> seems like the only way I can put custom data in.
>> --
>> Joseph Montanez
>> Web Developer
>> Gorilla3D
>> Design, Develop, Deploy
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> -- Casey Comendant, Founder & Executive Director
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Joseph Montanez
Web Developer
Design, Develop, Deploy

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