[AWS] Minor bug in src/core/aws-headers-set.adb
Riccardo Bernardini
riccardo.bernardini at uniud.it
Sat Oct 8 12:43:09 CEST 2011
Dear all,
I think I found a minor bug in the header parsing routine in
src/core/aws-headers-set.adb. The bug is really a minor one, mostly
harmless and almost impossible to trigger, if not on purpose. Anyway,
if you look at lines 106-121 in the above mentioned file you'll see
=========== BEGIN
-- Put name and value to the container separately
Delimiter_Index := Fixed.Index (Line, ":");
if Delimiter_Index = 0 then -- <<==== BUG?
-- No delimiter, this is not a valid Header Line
raise Format_Error with Line;
end if;
Add (Headers,
Name => Line (Line'First .. Delimiter_Index - 1),
Value => Fixed.Trim
(Line (Delimiter_Index + 1 .. Line'Last),
Side => Both));
=========== END
where Line is the line to be parsed. The above code accepts a line
with empty header name such as ": some value," but this is not
coherent with RFC 2616 that requires the header name to be a "token"
that is defined (on page 17) as a non-empty sequence of a restricted
set of characters. In order to avoid this, one could replace the test
Delimiter_Index = 0
Delimiter_Index = 0 or else Delimiter_Index = Line'First
or, alternatively,
Delimiter_Index <= Line'First
Moreover, if one wants to be really finicky, even with the suggested
correction, the code would accept header lines like
"Really (funny)@{header}: some value"
that are not acceptable according to RFC 2616 since "token"s cannot
include characters like parenthesis, spaces, @, ... In order to catch
this type of header lines one should use something like
========= BEGIN
Delimiter_Index := Fixed.Index (Source => Line,
Set => RFC2616_Token_Set,
Test => Outside);
if Delimiter_Index = 0 -- No delimiter
or else
Delimiter_Index = Line'First -- Empty name
or else
Line (Delimiter_Index) /= ':'
-- If we are here, this is not a valid Header Line
raise Format_Error with Line;
end if;
======== END
where RFC2616_Token_Set is defined as follows
======= BEGIN
Printable_Set : constant Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set
(Maps.Character_Range'(Low => ' ',
High => Character'Val (127)));
RFC2616_Separator_Set : constant Maps.Character_Set := Maps.To_Set
(" ()<>@,;:\""/[]?=" & Latin_1.HT);
RFC2616_Token_Set : constant Maps.Character_Set :=
Printable_Set - RFC2616_Separator_Set;
======= END
Hope this helps.
Riccardo Bernardini
DIEGM -- University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208
33100 Udine
Tel: +39-0432-55-8271
Fax: +39-0432-55-8251
SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine
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