[AWS] Changing AWS in an RTSP server

Riccardo Bernardini riccardo.bernardini at uniud.it
Thu Oct 6 15:24:46 CEST 2011

Dear all,
for a project at my university, we need "custom" RTSP server & client.
We found few servers with sources available, but none of them  
satisfied us.  Since RTSP has many analogies with HTTP  
(oversimplifying a bit, RTSP is basically HTTP with a different set of  
requests and headers), we decided to make our own RTSP server & client  
by modifying the source of AWS (thank you, GPL! :-).

   [[ Please note that our RTSP server will not stream content  
directly, but it will serve "session descriptions" to the clients and  
"control" the actual streamer. ]]

We just began to give a look to the sources of AWS.  Correct me if I am wrong

   * The code that we need to modify is in src/core and (maybe) in  
src/extended.  (By the way, what is the difference between the two  

   * The directories
        - src/ldap
        - src/soap
        - src/xsrc
        - tools
        - web_elements
     does not make sense outside an HTTP context and can be  
ignored/removed in our project

   * The directory regtest has test code that would not make much  
sense with the modified version (at least, some of it)

Finally, do you have any suggestion you can think of?

Thank you in advance for any help.



Riccardo Bernardini
DIEGM -- University of Udine
via delle Scienze 208
33100 Udine
Tel: +39-0432-55-8271
Fax: +39-0432-55-8251

SEMEL (SErvizio di Messaging ELettronico) - AINF, Universita' di Udine

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