[AWS] gzip content - at AWS or proxy level?

Thomas Løcke thomas.granvej6 at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 09:00:49 CET 2011

Hey all,

As progress is being made on my PHP/Apache->AWS migration, various
questions emerge. The latest is "where to do the gzip'ing of content?"

I intend to run multiple AWS applications behind a proxy (probably
Apache), so my choices are pretty clear:

    1. gzip content in the AWS application.
    2. gzip content as it is passing through Apache.

Currently I'm leaning towards the latter option, using a simple
AddOutputFilterByType directive. It seems the easiest solution, and
from some initial tests, it seems to work just fine.

But how would you do it? Are there some specific advantages to letting
AWS handle compression of content?

Thomas Løcke

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