[AWS] Having more then 1000 concurrent connections?

Marius Amado-Alves marius at amado-alves.info
Fri Aug 26 00:49:54 CEST 2011

>>>> In my humble opinion the number of CPU cores is a concern of the
>>>> operating system only. (Marius)
>>> Well, that is oversimplified. (Maciej)
>> Maybe, but that's how it should be. Separation of concerns.
> I'm not sure. We are *engineers* and we are supposed to be concerned
> with the physicality of all the bricks that we are using.

Ah the building construction metaphor. How well did that work in the
past. (Recommended reading here is still The Mythical Manmonth, I
think.) Software engineering is different. It has abstraction layers.
That black box thing. An Ada task is an abstraction. Yes, it may
coincide with a CPU core. And maybe it should. But I would not know
that: I lead the easy life of an Ada programmer :-)

> Ada is an imperative programming language and one of its major
> advantage/disadvantage is that it allows you to be concerned with what's
> going on under the hood.

Yes, Ada allows control of the machine level representation of her
abstractions. That is of immense use in embedded systems, or system
programming. I wrote software for satellites in Ada 83. Froody. But
for web services or any entirely abstract program running on a
multitasking, soft real time operating system like Linux or Windows, I
wont check under the hood until I'm forced to at gun point... the gun
being the poor performance of the system, possibly, yes.

> There are some language where the programmer need not be concerned with
> the number of cores that are used to solve the given problem (Prolog?
> SQL?, etc.), but Ada is not one of them.

No. There are languages that LET you control the representation, and
others that don't. But NO language REQUIRES you to do it. Other
factors might require it. Not the language.

> And that's actually good.

Yes, it is good to be able to control the representation, if required.

Trying to bring this ship home: the number of concurrent tasks of an
AWS server. The main factor would be traffic I think. Not the number
of cores. But yes, if you have time, or a gun pointed at you, you
should check that also.

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