[AWS] Having more then 1000 concurrent connections?

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Wed Aug 10 12:46:32 CEST 2011

On 08/10/2011 03:53 PM, Pascal Obry wrote:
> Le 10/08/2011 01:35, Joseph Montanez a écrit :
>> By default AWS has 5 max connections, so I changed that to 3000.
>> However as soon as I get to 1016 connections it stops accepting. I
>> could understand 1024 since thats the file descriptor limit, but 1016?
>> Here is the config:
> 3000 connections means 3000 tasks (so threads). Each threads has its own
> stack, on 32bits OS this will just too much threads for the available
> stack size. Even for a quite heavy loaded server a max connection of 100
> and a queue size of 3000 should be ok.
If you mean Accept_Queue_Size, I think 3000 is too much.
The Windows Home edition does not support more than 5 in accept queue size.
For the hard loaded servers the 100-200 is enought.
It mean how many sockets could be in accept_socket routine internal buffer.

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