[AWS] Having more then 1000 concurrent connections?

Dmitriy Anisimkov anisimkov at ada-ru.org
Wed Aug 10 08:09:55 CEST 2011

On 08/10/2011 06:35 AM, Joseph Montanez wrote:
> By default AWS has 5 max connections, so I changed that to 3000.
> However as soon as I get to 1016 connections it stops accepting. I
> could understand 1024 since thats the file descriptor limit, but 1016?
Because AWS using a few file descriptors internally.

You can use ulimit utility in Linux to increase number of file 
descriptors per process.

ulimit -a
to see all limits.

ulimit -n 2048
to set more open files

> Here is the config:
> Accept_Queue_Size 3000
> Max_Connection 3000
> Max_Concurrent_Download 3000
> Free_Slots_Keep_Alive_Limit 3000
> Keep_Alive_Force_Limit 3000
> Keep_Alive_Close_Limit 3000
> Reuse_Address True
> Server_Port 1234
> Right now its only one aws server. So my question here is it possible
> to have more connections on a single aws server? I can spawn more then
> one aws server and they each will cap at 1016, so certainly not bad,
> just would be nice to to scale higher so I can avoid having to work
> around shared memory issues of two processes.

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