[AWS] Debian reports security vulnerabilities in prototype.js bundled with AWS

Emmanuel Briot briot at adacore.com
Mon Nov 9 13:11:40 CET 2009

> The question boils down to: do you (AdaCore) want to be a systems
> integrator
> or not?  If the answer is "yes" then you should accept the additional
> workload:

No, our goal is to provide packages that people can install easily, without
having to download several packages from several places. AWS is only distributed
in source form, and therefore its source package includes all the necessary
dependencies, within what we consider reasonable.

Remember that we are now supporting more than 40 platforms, and not even Debian
at that. So although we are certainly open to suggestions (and Pascal said he
would look at what is involved in upgrading to a newer version of prototype.js),
we can certainly not guarantee that we will remove external dependencies. This
is the job of system integrators indeed, not ours.



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