[AWS] Digest auth with SOAP

Petr Holub hopet at ics.muni.cz
Mon Feb 2 14:45:32 CET 2009

> > is there any way to implement SOAP server/client calls with
> > Digest authentication? I've tried and got to the point, where
> Does it work for basic authentication?

Yes, basic works fine.

I will send you the reproducers privately, not to the list.


                           Petr Holub
CESNET z.s.p.o.                       Supercomputing Center Brno
Zikova 4                             Institute of Compt. Science
162 00 Praha 6, CZ                            Masaryk University
Czech Republic                     Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ 
e-mail: Petr.Holub at cesnet.cz               phone: +420-549493944
                                             fax: +420-541212747
                                       e-mail: hopet at ics.muni.cz

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