[AWS] use of aws in windows

Bny Kn bn.kn2008 at gmail.com
Tue Jul 22 15:27:38 CEST 2008


I am trying to use AWS in windows. I  downloaded AWS from
https://libre2.adacore.com/aws/ and try to compile one of the example
programs given in users guide.
But I got millions of error as the library not found. Then I copied the
necessaru ads and adb files from src folder (in downloaded aws folder)  into
my project folder and then it compiled.
But lastly I was faced with this error and I could not managed to resolve

SSLeay not declared in "Thin"
I got this error in compilation of aws-net-ss.ads
How can I solve this?

And also I am worried about the installation procedure. I could not find how
to install AWS in windows.
Also the way I explained to compile the code is normal? (copying all the ads
and adb files like aws-client.ads, aws-containes.ads ... )
Or is there an easier way to include the files in my project.

Thanks in Advance
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