[AWS] AWS.client.get and https

Tesson julien tesson.julien at free.fr
Wed Jan 16 15:25:08 CET 2008

Tesson julien a écrit :
> Tesson julien a écrit :
>> I have installed gnat GPL 2007, building AWS  is now ok,
>> but when linking my example using the aws.gpr file gnatlink doesn't 
>> find the openssl library  until I explicitly add -L/usr/lib
> Oops, I don't know what I have done but :
> /usr/gnat/lib/aws/libaws.a(aws-net-ssl__openssl.o): In function 
> `aws__net__ssl___elabs':
> aws-net-ssl__openssl.adb:(.text+0x11d): undefined reference to `SSLeay'
> /usr/gnat/lib/aws/libaws.a(aws-net-ssl__openssl.o): In function 
> `aws__net__ssl__ts_ssl__finalizeN':
> aws-net-ssl__openssl.adb:(.text+0x710): undefined reference to 
> `SSL_CTX_free'
> .
> .
> .
> even when I use -L/usr/lib
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It finally works !!!
I had forget to add -lssl -lcrypto to the linker option.
             package Linker is
                for Default_Switches ("Ada") use ("-lssl", "-lcrypto");
             end Linker;
it work fine but it  the program need a file client.pem in the directory.
Is there a way to eliminate this ? what is the purpose of this file ?
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